Elijah's Daily Email

A daily email newsletter laser focused on helping streetwear brand owners like yourself turn their Instagram followers into paying customer, all on your own.

"I truly think this is one of the best email lists I've been apart of."

- Jack Tredge

No spam, sponsorships, or email retargeting, guaranteed.

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Here's what subscribers are saying...

We love your emails and we love the topics. Every email you send has a lot of relevance.

- Jesse Toniolo, Colour Plane

Some of the things that Elijah knows took me over a year to figure out for myself.

- Madi Williams, Planet MEW

I can see the value that you're giving so many brands. You are super knowledgeable and your advice is really great. A lot of people love what you do so thanks heaps.

- Jessica Ellul, Not In

Keep ‘em coming, these make my day!

- Will Hawk, Simplegoods

Hi Elijah! I wanted to acknowledge how helpful your email was to read today. I’ve been uploading for maybe 5 months and I’ve started to feel the pressure to ‘always upload’. I’m a quality over quantity person, so I’ve tried my best to stay aligned with that. But, as you’ve said, that’s hard to do!

Reading this email was a nice reminder that balance is key with these things. Keep up the good work!

- Gemma Stocco

These emails provide so much value. It's actually insane how much I'm learning from these. They are truly great!

- Jack Tredge

Love the advice, keen to hear more. Keep it up!

- Arron Poon, Extra Portions

To put it simply, [Elijah's daily email] gives me little tips & insights & case studies on things which I have never really dedicated time to research myself. It’s a free source of research.

- Harry Quayle, Blues & Greens

I love this post on community and identity. I used to do a lot of identity research and it’s so true. You have a knack for simplifying critical ideas. I really LOVE the ideas and messaging!

- Mrs Delporte (my mum)

Ready to jump in?

Yes, it's actually daily. And yes, people actually stay subscribed. You can unsubscribe easily at any point. Enter your email below to opt in.

Check the verification email sent to your inbox and add lij@elijahdelporte.com to your address book.

Something went wrong... Send me an email and I'll personally add you to the list: lij@elijahdelporte.com

Not sure if it's for you?

View the archive of 200+ email tips I've shared since June 1, 2022.